cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(LearnGtk4 LANGUAGES CXX) include(FetchContent) find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(GTKMM4 REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET gtkmm-4.0) fetchcontent_declare(BillySheet GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE ON GIT_SHALLOW ON DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP OFF OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE ) option(BILLY_ENABLE_TESTS "Enable Unit testing target" OFF) fetchcontent_makeavailable(BillySheet) find_package(BillySheet CONFIG REQUIRED) find_program(CCACHE_FOUND ccache) if (CCACHE_FOUND) message(STATUS "ccache found !") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER ccache) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY C_LINKER_LAUNCHER ccache) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER ccache) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY CXX_LINKER_LAUNCHER ccache) else () message(STATUS "ccache not found") endif () set(COMPILE_FLAGS -pipe -march=znver3 # change to native or your architecture. -mtune=znver3 # same as above -mrdseed # be careful about this, this is linked to the x86 architecture. -mrdrnd # same as above -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -pedantic $<$:-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections> -fuse-ld=gold -funroll-loops -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans ) set(LINKER_OPTIONS -Wl,--sort-common,--as-needed$<$:,--gc-sections,--strip-all> -fuse-ld=gold -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans ) option(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enabling coverage" OFF) if (${ENABLE_COVERAGE}) message(STATUS "Coverage enabled") list(APPEND COMPILE_FLAGS --coverage) list(APPEND LINKER_OPTIONS --coverage) list(APPEND LINKER_FLAGS gcov) endif () option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build package with shared libraries." ON) option(ASSIMP_NO_EXPORT "Disable Assimp's export functionality." ON) option(ASSIMP_INSTALL "Disable this if you want to use assimp as a submodule." OFF) option(ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB "Build your own zlib" OFF) option(ASSIMP_BUILD_TESTS "If the test suite for Assimp is built in addition to the library." OFF) option(ASSIMP_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS "Treat all warnings as errors." OFF) option(ASSIMP_INSTALL_PDB "Install MSVC debug files." OFF) option(ASSIMP_INJECT_DEBUG_POSTFIX "Inject debug postfix in .a/.so/.dll lib names" OFF) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") option(ASSIMP_INJECT_DEBUG_POSTFIX "Inject debug postfix in .a/.so/.dll lib names" ON) else () option(ASSIMP_INJECT_DEBUG_POSTFIX "Inject debug postfix in .a/.so/.dll lib names" OFF) endif () add_subdirectory(external/assimp EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) option(SPDLOG_ENABLE_PCH "Build static or shared library using precompiled header to speed up compilation time" ON) option(SPDLOG_BUILD_WARNINGS "Enable compiler warnings" ON) option(SPDLOG_PREVENT_CHILD_FD "Prevent from child processes to inherit log file descriptors" ON) option(SPDLOG_NO_THREAD_ID "prevent spdlog from querying the thread id on each log call if thread id is not needed" ON) option(SPDLOG_NO_TLS "prevent spdlog from using thread local storage" ON) option(SPDLOG_NO_ATOMIC_LEVELS "prevent spdlog from using of std::atomic log levels (use only if your code never modifies log levels concurrently" ON) add_subdirectory(external/spdlog EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_executable(LearnGtk4 main.cpp hello_world.cpp hello_world.hpp app_win_2_back.cpp app_win_2_back.hpp ) set_target_properties(LearnGtk4 assimp spdlog_header_only PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION ON ) target_compile_definitions(LearnGtk4 PUBLIC $<$:_GLIBCXX_DEBUG>) target_compile_definitions(assimp PUBLIC $<$:_GLIBCXX_DEBUG>) target_compile_options(LearnGtk4 PUBLIC ${COMPILE_FLAGS}) target_link_options(LearnGtk4 PUBLIC ${LINKER_OPTIONS}) target_link_libraries(LearnGtk4 PkgConfig::GTKMM4 assimp spdlog_header_only BillySheet)