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A C++ Gemini server


As I saw other implementations in Rust but no C++ to compete, I felt that I had to do something ;-). It is also a chance for me and a friend ( Brumaire) to practice C++ and to try to get as much performance as possible (my speciality is HPC so… Yeah).


I use PlantUML to do the class diagram for the design. It's a work in progress.


What we want is a high performance server using asynchrony at first, and then maybe multi-threading to have the maximum possible performance.


WIP The configuration of the server is made through a JSON file config.json. The JSON parser is simdjson directly integrated in our source code.

Structure of the file

  • content
    • path : string, folder to the content of your site.
  • cache
    • enable_cache: bool, to enable cache of files or not
    • cache_size : unsigned int, the maximum size in bytes to put in cache
  • ssl
    • pem_path : string
    • cert_path : string


It uses a bundled version of spdlog as a git submodule, but it does not use the fmt lib that is inside spdlog (you can still change it in the CMakeLists).


The doc of the code is made with doxygen, the Doxyfile is at the root of the repo.


  • Possibility of an applicative gateway (like CGI for example)
  • Content in RAM cache
  • Asynchronous (boost ASIO deals with it)